A Blog for the Homies

Posts tagged “face

Oh Hell No Face #1: The Reputation Ruiner

"Oh no he di'int jus ax me dat." Douche!

We all make mistakes. Sometimes those mistakes can ruin our reputation with others. The good news is that you can fix your mistakes before they immediately take effect on others. The secret is in identifying the “Oh Hell No” factor. The “Oh Hell No” factor can be identified in people’s facial expressions, gestures, mannerisms and remarks.

Ladies and Alphamales, I’d like to introduce “Oh Hell No” (OHN) face #1. Today’s face is a classic expression. It speaks a few other phrases besides “Oh Hell No”. “Are you for real?”, “You are retarded.”, “You’re shittin’ me.”, “Do you think I’m an idiot?” are all some of the phrases that underlie the broad OHN face.  This OHN face can turn into a very threatening situation because it could lead to a viral ruin of reputation.  This type of OHN will possibly leak to other people (through gossip) and have an effect leading to mass OHN’s.

Men, you might just see this OHN face when you ask a hot date to pay for dinner and come back to your mom’s house for some quiet intercourse, while she’s asleep in the room next door. Ladies, you won’t have this problem with men, but you might see this OHN face on your best friend when you tell them that a guy took you out on a date and you ended up paying for dinner and going back to his mom’s house to silently have intercourse while his mom was snoring in the room next door. This particular OHN face is somewhat dangerous. When you see this expression on someone’s face, it could cost you your reputation.

There are ways to counter-attack this OHN face. While a simple “Just Kidding! Gotcha!” might work, it doesn’t quite leave the person completely convinced you are joking. There are a few steps to counter-attack this particular OHN.

1) Identify the type of OHN face you are dealing with.

2.1) Quickly diffuse the situation before the OHN face turns into an OHN outlook.

2.2) Quickly and sharply throw out an exclamation. (i.e. “So…!!”, “Aha!”, “Woo!”) This will distract the person from their ripening negative opinions and judgments and put them into a temporary stunned position.

2.3) While the person is in a stunned position, it will now give you a brief amount of time to turn the mood of the conversation around. Say something funny, charming or heart-warming (i.e. “My grandma moves faster than this waiter!”, “You know…your outfit really compliments your personality.”, “That reminds me! I need to rescue that puppy at the animal shelter for its birthday tomorrow!”)

3) The final step is to ease back into the previous conversation and correct your mishap by taking yourself out of the OHN outlook.

Here is an example:

John: “Thanks for having dinner with me tonight, I have loved being with you.”
Betty: “I had a really good time too.”
John: “So how about after you pay for this [slides restaurant bill over to her side of the table], we come back to my mom’s house and get freaky. But we have to keep it quiet cause she’ll be asleep in the room next door.

John: “WHOOO!”

Betty:  [stun mode]

John: “I just remembered next week that I will be buying 80 pairs of TOMS in order to disburse 80 pairs of shoes to children in need!  I can’t wait!”

Betty: “Awwwww!”

John: “So anyway [grabs bill back], I was just joking about paying for dinner. [ 😉 ].  It’s on me.  How about after this we go back to your car and get freaky cause my mom’s asleep and I don’t wanna wake her up.

Betty: “You’re such a sweetheart, of course we can do that!”


As you can see this is a risky situation, but when its your reputation at hand, you should know how to effectively back track and fix your screw ups.  This type of OHN danger level is:  HIGH.